

Page history last edited by Megan M. 16 years, 1 month ago

FAQs for the altMBA Program 


How will we read and discuss books?


  1. We will have a new leader every week. Prior to the week starting, the leader will have read the book, and create some type of online presentation (slideshare works great) outling the key take-aways from the book.
  2. Over the course of the week, the leader will facilitate and moderate discussions around the book. Both the members and the group leader will be encouraged to enhance the discussion with news, articles, additional readings, and business trends.
  3. At the end of the week, a "live" online meeting will be conducted by the leader. The meeting will be recorded for those that can't make the call.
  4. Calls-to-action (CTA). This might be the most important part! Every weekly discussion will leave us all with a type of "call-to-action", as decided by the leader. The CTA will leave us all with a follow-up item.
  5. Recording and compiling. At the end of the week, key takeaways from the summary, discussion, and meeting will be compiled into an ebook or online presentation that will be kept for future reference.

Check out the reading list - and make sure to vote for your favorite...


How will we share and discuss our big ideas?


If there is one thing we want you to leave this program with, its the motivation and knowledge to put your "BIG Idea" into action. When you registered, you were asked to join one of the following groups/areas that you feel MOST confident in:


  • Productivity & Effectiveness
  • Psychology & Communication
  • Design & Production
  • Marketing, Sales, & Negotiation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management & Leadership
  • Strategy & Innovation
  • Finance, Analysis & Accounting

As a member of one of these groups, you will be asked to share your experience and know-how to other people in the program who need help developing their "BIG Ideas". At any point, you can submit your "BIG idea" to the leader of one or more of these groups to get some consultative assistance and constructive feedback.

The "leader" will then surface one "BIG Idea" at a time for discussion. As soon as the "BIG Idea" has been discussed, then the leader will surface a new idea.


At the end of the discussion, the originator of the "BIG Idea" (that's you) will consolidate the feedback from the group into one summary (Onlinge Blog post, Slideshare, Google Doc, etc) so that any other member of the entire program can understand the key-takeaways.

*We are looking for people to "lead" each of these groups. You don't have to be the most knowledgeable about this topic to lead this group, just the most organized :) You responsibilities will pretty light - just making sure there is at least one new "BIG Idea" every week is being surfaced for discussion, and making sure that owner's of the "BIG Ideas" are posting summaries after discussion on their ideas close.


How will we use experts?


In order to enhance the quality of this program, we will rely on outside perspectives and knowledge to help take us all to the next level. We will ask experts to contribute in a variety of ways: Live/online meetings/presentations, Podcasts, filmed presentations, etc. While experts can contribute any material they would like, we will ask them to focus in some key areas:


  • Productivity & Effectiveness
  • Psychology & Communication
  • Design & Production
  • Marketing, Sales, & Negotiation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management & Leadership
  • Strategy & Innovation
  • Finance, Analysis & Accounting

Experts may be asked to further tailor content specific to some of ongoing discussion occuring in the forums.

WE NEED YOUR HELP: We have some experts lined up, but we need more! If you know any experts that would be willing to contribute to our program, please let us know by commenting in this thread.


What if I don't have a "BIG Idea" yet?


That's okay! Hopefully as you move through this program, you'll start to come up with all kinds of ideas. Don't worry if you don't have one yet, but stay open to it -- it'll come to you.


What if my "BIG Idea" needs help in many key areas?


It might be a good idea to focus on just a few key areas if you can't focus on one. Make sure that you have time and energy to really engage with the group you ask for help, so that you can spend time helping others with their BIG Ideas, too!


What if I don't feel confident enough to lead a book discussion? 

Is there some other way I can contribute?


You might consider leading a book discussion anyway -- guiding others through new material is the best way to learn it yourself! But if you don't feel comfortable, that's okay too. We can use help with the BIG Idea key area groups, this FAQ (got questions? Leave a comment and we'll figure out the answer!), and probably a slew of other things. If you have a way you'd like to help that we haven't thought of, please feel free to suggest it!




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