
Meeting Agenda 1-30-09

Page history last edited by Mark Horoszowski 16 years ago

Meeting Topic: Alt-MBA Re-Connect


** Please add, edit, delete, change, ridicule or just read the agenda. **



11AM EST (8AM PST) January 30, 2009


Questions to Answer Before the Meeting Starts

  1. What are three things that are working great?
  2. What are three things that aren't working?
  3. Who are two people you'd love to see interviewed?



Update items

  1. Roles and "Partnership agreements" (Mark)
    1. Roles: Paul and Mark to set these up with everybody individualy.
  2. Josh Kaufman update (Paul) 


Discussion items

  1. What is this program building towards... what is the final outcome (i.e. The Alt-MBA manual) (Mark)
  2. How do we use groups and the Big Idea Process: It's a fantastic idea, we just need to tweak a bit. (Paul)
    1. Fabi's big idea on the big idea - find a member who's already working on a project, get everyone familiar with the project, what his/her challenges are, and what outcome they hope for, bring it to the class so the only parts left are for the students to help working on
  3. Website stuff (Matt / Fabi)
      • Layout of Ning site
      • Press Page
      • About Page
      • Public Website - thoughts, ideas, feedback
  4. Schedules: (Paul)
    1. Should the BC group have regular check-in meetings
    2. What others things could use some regularity 
  5. Commania and other resources (i.e. 12seconds.tv we can use) (time permitting) (Matt)
  6. Interview process (time permitting) (Paul)
  • Community Management: I've posted a top-secret document on the basecamp site. Please add your ideas here.


  • Interview Process:
    • how do we get more folks to attend
    • what's the timeline in notifying members about new events
    • do we send out broadcast messages as reminders? 
  • Roles:
    • What is your current and/or desired role?
    • What responsibilities does that include?
  • Josh Kaufman:
    • How can we help Josh with his projects?
    • How can Josh add to the group/Should Josh be more active?






Action Items


Comments (5)

Roxy Allen said

at 6:54 pm on Jan 29, 2009

I actually really liked the point about helping Josh Kaufman with his projects.

Roxy Allen said

at 6:55 pm on Jan 29, 2009

And I'm sorry I can't make the meeting tomorrow! I will be traveling for work. But I did talk with Matt this evening and he's going to record the call so I can listen later. I also told him a few of my thoughts so I guess he can bring those up if he feels they're appropriate.

Mark Horoszowski said

at 6:57 pm on Jan 29, 2009

I agree with Roxy about Josh Kaufman. Paul and I had a pretty long discussion with him, so we will update you on that. If it seems like a good jump-off point, I'm happy to carry that into the discussion.

Hanna Phan said

at 12:33 am on Jan 30, 2009

Sorry i've been off the block today, so i haven't had time to contribute to this discussion... but would love to join you folks in the morning. What is the call-in number?

Fabi said

at 5:51 am on Jan 30, 2009

Hanna, I'm so glad you asked. The more the merrier, time is 11:00 AM EST.

1-201-793-9022, room number 6428636
or via Skype

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