Meeting Topic: Alt-MBA Re-Connect
** Please add, edit, delete, change, ridicule or just read the agenda. **
11AM EST (8AM PST) January 30, 2009
Questions to Answer Before the Meeting Starts
- What are three things that are working great?
- What are three things that aren't working?
- Who are two people you'd love to see interviewed?
Update items
- Roles and "Partnership agreements" (Mark)
- Roles: Paul and Mark to set these up with everybody individualy.
- Josh Kaufman update (Paul)
Discussion items
- What is this program building towards... what is the final outcome (i.e. The Alt-MBA manual) (Mark)
- How do we use groups and the Big Idea Process: It's a fantastic idea, we just need to tweak a bit. (Paul)
- Fabi's big idea on the big idea - find a member who's already working on a project, get everyone familiar with the project, what his/her challenges are, and what outcome they hope for, bring it to the class so the only parts left are for the students to help working on
- Website stuff (Matt / Fabi)
- Layout of Ning site
- Press Page
- About Page
- Public Website - thoughts, ideas, feedback
- Schedules: (Paul)
- Should the BC group have regular check-in meetings
- What others things could use some regularity
- Commania and other resources (i.e. we can use) (time permitting) (Matt)
- Interview process (time permitting) (Paul)
- Community Management: I've posted a top-secret document on the basecamp site. Please add your ideas here.
Interview Process:
how do we get more folks to attend
- what's the timeline in notifying members about new events
- do we send out broadcast messages as reminders?
What is your current and/or desired role?
- What responsibilities does that include?
Josh Kaufman:
How can we help Josh with his projects?
- How can Josh add to the group/Should Josh be more active?
Action Items
Comments (5)
Roxy Allen said
at 6:54 pm on Jan 29, 2009
I actually really liked the point about helping Josh Kaufman with his projects.
Roxy Allen said
at 6:55 pm on Jan 29, 2009
And I'm sorry I can't make the meeting tomorrow! I will be traveling for work. But I did talk with Matt this evening and he's going to record the call so I can listen later. I also told him a few of my thoughts so I guess he can bring those up if he feels they're appropriate.
Mark Horoszowski said
at 6:57 pm on Jan 29, 2009
I agree with Roxy about Josh Kaufman. Paul and I had a pretty long discussion with him, so we will update you on that. If it seems like a good jump-off point, I'm happy to carry that into the discussion.
Hanna Phan said
at 12:33 am on Jan 30, 2009
Sorry i've been off the block today, so i haven't had time to contribute to this discussion... but would love to join you folks in the morning. What is the call-in number?
Fabi said
at 5:51 am on Jan 30, 2009
Hanna, I'm so glad you asked. The more the merrier, time is 11:00 AM EST.
1-201-793-9022, room number 6428636
or via Skype
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