Ok, www.alt-mba.com is now open for business. Please share your ideas and thoughts about layout, color scheme, features, categories, etc. |
We've decided to use Wordpress as our CMS for now, as it's powerful, free, and easy to change if needed. I've found a handful of themes I think will work well as a public face.
We are going with Woo Themes's Open Air.
What pages or links belong in the navigation?
- About - A description of our program, and possibly highlight the contributers
- Weekly Discussion - This is where our presenters will post their slideshare, links, supporting text, etc.
- Slides - A condensed place for visitors to check out the slides only
- Interviews - The collection of our interviews with experts. With wordpress, you can embed the audio right into the post, so there'll be some text, and then the interview. See mixergy.com for an example
- Press/PR - A static page dedicated to helping potential speakers and experts make a decision whether or not to share their time and expertise. It can also help spread our idea by giving news outlets one stop shopping to get most of the basics. It's our "soft sell" page.
- Contact - Self explanatory
- Links and Resources - A static page with links to the books we read, our personal blogs, other useful sites, etc. We can even set up an affiliate account with Amazon so that the program earns commission everytime someone buys a book from our link.
- Dev Blog - This will link to our "behind-the-scenes" blog, which will probably be hosted at blog.alt-mba.com. This way it can have it's own database, set of users, etc.
- Forum - Wordpress has a sibling app called bbPress, which will allow us to seemlessly integrate a forum on our site. This could be a great tool to encourage discussion between students and non-students, as well as among non-students. Of course we'll have comments on each post, but this gives them a chance to take subjects off topic and get more involved.
How will the home page look?
My idea is that the main page will have the latest discussion topic, and if we go with a theme like Open Air (#4, the woothemes one) we can feature either our latest discussion or featured interview. I'm undecided on advertising, as we could use the revenue, but at the same time, we don't want to cheapen our product. I'm a big fan of clean and simple, let our content shine!
Again, please add your thoughts.
How will we look in a google results page?
What do we want our page excerpt to say? We need suggestions!
Share your ideas on any other details not covered in the previous sections.
- Each weekly discussion post should be accompanied by a high quality photo, selected by the discussion leader. To find one, just click here, and that will take you to Flickr's advanced search. Make sure you tick the Creative Commons boxes, and off you go!
Nightmare on Elm Street
Check Out Another Wiki! I figured that since I help keep this wiki "safe" it'd be okay to link to mine.
Comments (4)
Roxy Allen said
at 8:26 am on Jan 8, 2009
this is good stuff
Mark Horoszowski said
at 9:03 am on Jan 8, 2009
Agreed - great work, Matt!
Fabi said
at 9:56 am on Jan 18, 2009
Under "Themes" I recommended Thesis (#9). It is not free but I have the developer license so it wouldn't cost anything.
Fabi said
at 9:33 am on Jan 20, 2009
Matt, sites #1, #2, #3 & #9 are all Thesis. I think it's unnecessary to have them all on the page. Or perhaps you rather leave them there for a reason? :)
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